I guess First we have to agree on a single patch and agree to evaluate with a stock load out, I feel like combat has not really been great since 2.6, but we have added a bunch of ships since then. You said 'have been' so does that mean on release or at some time in their series of patches they have been OP or Worthless, as you argue its a binary state I assume many have been both. The vast majority of ships have been either OP or not even worth it. What are your thoughts on how they're going to balance a pure gunship in damage and what it will offer? (theory crafting time, lets have some fun) The connie has four S5 and two S2 (along with a crapload of missiles the redeemer won't have a fraction of)Ĭomparing these three ship's damage range which are not dedicated gunships, how powerful will can they make the redeemer without it being op, or balanced enough to be a good gunship close in damage to the others, but still worth playing. I know its a drop ship but its about the same size as the redeemer and is the newest ship so damage balancing is up to date. The prowler effectively has two S3 and two S4 along with very heavy shields and stealth for its size.
The vanguard is the heaviest fighter atm so I'm using it as a damage reference point. The vanguard, prowler, and the constellation Andromeda I'm comparing this to three ships we have in game at this moment.